“We are a group of creators, idealists and problem solvers who believe in the power of cooperation. “
We care deeply about the communities we serve, the nonprofits we support, and the individuals whose lives have been enhanced by the solar energy solutions we provide.
Since its conception in 2016, PV Squared has demonstrated its dedication to supporting our community with the “Community Committee” aka “CoCo”.
Here, we celebrate their stories. We stand with them, partner with them, and volunteer alongside them, because to us, it’s not just about solar energy. It’s about community.
It’s about giving back and doing our part to make the world a better place. After all, our mission is to “energize a brighter future for people and planet”.
Here’s a look at the organizations who have been touched by the wonderful work of our Community Committee. This is “Heart & Solar” in action.
To submit an opportunity/ request for donation to our “CoCo” Charter, please email us:

CoCo’s Individual and Group Recipients since 2016:
9k for k9s
American Cancer Association
American Indian College Fund
Asian American Defense & Legal Education Fund
Baystate Franklin Medical Center
Belly Bus Food Drive
Bike For Food
Brick House
BRIDGE (dba Multicultural BRIDGE)
Buster Symanski Memorial Scholarship Fund at Smith Vocational
Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (“CISA”) Clarkdale 12K
Community Land Trust Invasive Project in Great Barrington
Compost Coop | Affordable Housing + Co-ops
Connecticut River Watershed Council Annual Event
Construct, Inc. ‘Warm Up The Winter”
Craig’s Doors, Amherst
CT River’s Clean Up (aka “Green River Clean Up”)
Dakin Animal Shelter
DAV (Disabled American Veterans)
David Ruggles Center
Democracy Brewing
Fair Fight
Fire Victims (Carissa V Lee | Go Fund Me)
Friends of the Greenfield Public Library
Four Rivers Tournament
Gardening in the Community
GoFundMe for Black Doulas
Greenfield High School Music Department
Habitat for Humanity (100% donated arrays & installation)
Habitat for Humanity | “Lisa D 5k” Fundraiser
Habitat for Humanity | “Gingerbread Build”
Hilltown Arts Alliance
Hispanic Federation
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Honor the Earth
Interfaith Council Earth Day
Jewish Family Services of Amherst
Julie M. Johnson Teaching Gardens
Justice Cup
LatinoJustice PRLDEF
Link to Libraries
Links for Library
MA. Solidarity Economy Network
Merrimack Valley Fires
Mister G’s “Halloween Fiesta” at the Amherst Common School
Monte’s March for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
Mumbets Freedom Farm
NAACP Boston
Natick Community Farm
National Women’s Law Center
New England Center for Women in Transition (“NELCWIT”)
New England Youth Cycling (“NEYC”) Trail Blasters
Nuestras Raices
Nueva Esperanza
Ohketeau Cultural Center
Out in the Open, VT
Pa’lante Restorative Justice
People’s Fund – COVID relief
Pioneer Valley Workers Center
Power On Puerto Rico
Ray Brown Memorial Run
Red Cross Ukraine
Relay for Life
Revitalize Community Development Corporation
Smith Vocational High School
Springfield Rescue Mission
Standing Rock Donation
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
The Movement For Black Lives
Thousand Currents
Toolbox for Education and Social Action (“TESA”) Toolkit
TS’s GoFundMe
Wellspring Cooperative | Earth Day Celebration
WestMass ElderCare
Will Bike 4 Food